
Sunday, 19 February 2017

Motorbike tracks

Unexplained tracks on the churned up paths.  
Could this be the beginning of a motorbike invasion?

Too early to panic or involve the police again, but biking is inappropriate in the community woodland and nature reserve.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Turkey Tail

The Turkey Tail fungus grows on dead wood.  Each of the many brackets has concentric circles of colour, suposedly like the plumage in a turkey's tail

They can vary a lot in colour.  
These below are a darker brown

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Blushing Bracket

The Blushing Bracket (Daedaleopsis confragosa) grows on willow branches.  It gets its English name from the fact that the underside will stain red when bruised.  When you get one bracket you usually find more on the same dead branch.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Overgrown hedge

The next stretch of hedge contains very large hazel and hawthorn plants as well as a couple of ash trees and a mature holly.  As they have got taller the bottom of the hedge has become gappy because the shade kills off the lower shoots.  

This hedge, between Filnore
Woods and the Filnore Allotments, has also been overwhelmed by Brambles, Elder and Old Man's Beard, especially on the far side.



Old Man's Beard

So by coppicing all the hedge plants we shall promote new fresh growth, which will be ready to be laid in three years' time.  This will produce a low dense hedge, letting in more light to the benefit of flowering plants, and producing a rich habitat.

Last autumn (see blogpost for 19/11/16) a lot of undergrowth was flailed off in preparation for hedge management. 

 This has left a lot of loose ends to be cleared.  By repeatedly mowing this land through the summer we shall encourage grass and wild flowers to replace the brambles.

Much of this debris has now been cleared and we have started cutting the hedge down to ground level.  To protect the allotments on the other side of the hedge we shall use the cut material to create a dead hedge.  A lot of work to get done before the end of February when the nesting season begins.