
Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Beech against the sky

Winter trees silhouetted against the sky show the structure of the tree, which is largely hidden in summer.  They are also, like this beech near post 2, a wonder in themselves, something to pause and stare at for a few moments.

Beech twigs are recognised by their long, thin, pointed buds.

The twigs zig-zag with a bud projecting at each angle.

Friday, 26 January 2018

Filnore Fungi 4 - small toadstools

I already posted 'Filnore Fungi 5' so 4 and 5 are in the wrong order but it's immaterial - just confusing.

Small toadstools
It's hard to tell them all apart but Simon has identified them for us.

Grooved Bonnet (Mycena polygramma) viewed from underneath - one of the prettiest.  

Common Stump Brittlestem (Psathyrella piluliformis)  

The Deceiver (Laccaria laccata)  on the woodchip pile.  It gets fringey round the edge as it matures.  Called the deceiver because it changes colour and so can trick you.

Funeral Bell (Galerina marginata) - you may realise it is probably not one to fry up, judging from the name.  

In fact it contains amatoxins, also found in the notorious Death Cap (Amanita phalloides), which attack the liver if the mushroom is eaten.  Unfortunately it resembles several other edible  'LBMs' or 'little brown mushrooms'  but it is DEADLY.  


Tuesday, 23 January 2018

January coppicing and dead hedge building

 Peter sharpening stakes for the dead hedge.

Cynthia spotting something interesting.

Building the dead hedge.

Looking at the dead hedge.

The idea of the dead hedge is (a) to clear the twiggy brash off the woodland floor to allow small plants to grow, (b) to create a slightly different habitat for insects and birds and (c) to remind us, in future years, where we had previously coppiced. 

Building a bit more - note the extra workers in the background.

We had eleven volunteers on Sunday 14th Jan, which was a bright, dry day, but rain and wind have slowed the work down in December and January.  If possible we want to clear this coupe or coppicing area by the end of February.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

January flowers

In sheltered spots the hazel catkins are already golden with pollen 

and hogweed can still surprise you with its white or pink head of florets.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Filnore Fungi 5. Large Toadstools

Agaricus xanthodermus (The Yellow Stainer)
This one can cause serious tummy upsets.  People can confuse it with the common edible mushroom (apparently this happens a lot in Australia).  But it is easily distinguished;   - when bruised or even just handled, the white cap turns bright yellow.

Lepista flaccida (Tawny Funnel)
Although it is funnel-shaped this is one of the Blewits.  The cap frequently has a spout at one 'corner' like a jug.  They often grow in large fairy rings in woodland.

Lepista nuda  (Wood Blewit)
This species is a lovely violet or lilac colour when new but the top fades to buff leaving only the stalk and underside bluish.

Macrolepiota procera (Parasol mushroom)
It starts off as a ball on a stick, opens into a perfect parasol shape, and then flattens out, as in Simon's photograph,  except for the bump in the middle.  The cap and the stalks carry pale brown scales on a white background.

All photos taken by Simon Harding in Filnore Woods on 25th November

Sunday, 7 January 2018


Between posts 3 and 4 off the top meadow a narrow corridor has been cut through the brambles

This leads to a dried up pond, which we have been thinking of renovatiing; indeed Laura had already started cutting back some of the overshadowing vegetation.

But in fact today when I visited, it contained quite a lot of water.

With any luck this will stay long enough for frogs to lay their eggs again.

The last time frog spawn was found here was in March 2014.

Apologies for quality of photos

Thursday, 4 January 2018

Video streaming

Through the summer the stream has been almost completely dry but recent rainfall and snow has provided a goodly supply of water.

Here is the stream disappearing under the track  .  .  .

.  .  .  and coming out the other side

If this video works it may make things clearer.  If not you'll have to go and have a look for yourself.

And off goes the water to flood Vilner Lane.
(Sorry about the whistling under my breath)

 So maybe we can make a pond by trapping some of this water behind a dam.  This would be a valuable addition to our mosaic of habitats.

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Spring already?

This brave little plant, throwing off its snowy blanket is ready for spring.  It's a primrose.

Its neighbours are actually in flower. 

And even the bluebells are beginning to push their pointy leaves into the world. 

The hazels are waiting for later in the New Year 
to open these little maggots into golden lambstail catkins