
Data Protection Policy

Friends of Filnore Woods - Data Protection Policy
The group of volunteers known as the Friends of Filnore Woods (FFW) needs to gather and use certain information about individuals.
These can include active volunteers, supporters of the group and other people the group has a relationship with or may need to contact.
This policy describes how this personal data must be collected, handled and stored to meet the group’s data protection standards – and to comply with the law.

Data Protection Law
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) describes how organisations – including the Friends of Filnore Woods – must collect, handle and store personal information. These regulations apply regardless of whether data is stored electronically, on paper or on other materials. To comply with this regulation personal information must
·         be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner
·         only be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
·         be adequate, relevant, limited to what is necessary
·         be accurate and kept up to date
·         only be retained for as long as necessary
·         be processed in an appropriate manner to maintain security

For the purpose of this policy, “record” shall be interpreted to mean: “any papers, files, books, photographs, tapes, films, recordings, or other documentary materials, or any copies thereof, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made, produced, executed, or received by any committee member in connection with the transaction of FFW’s operations.
The term “electronic record” means any record that is created, received, maintained or stored on a computer or other similar device. Examples include, but are not limited to:
1. Electronic mail (e-mail)
2. Word processing documents and spreadsheets
3. Databases

Data Protection Procedure


The personal data processed by FFW falls into the following categories.

·         The email addresses of FFW active volunteers and supporters.

·         The email addresses of South Gloucestershire Council personnel who are part of the Community Spaces Team.

·         The names of those active volunteers who attend work parties.

·         Accident records.

Processing of email addresses

FFW active volunteers, FFW supporters and members of the South Gloucestershire Council Community Spaces Team are contacted by email to inform them of FFW activities and forthcoming events.
The email addresses used for this purpose are stored in the contact lists that are associated with two separate gmail accounts. The two accounts are used by the FFW Secretary and FFW Woodland Manager respectively. Access to both accounts is password protected.
The email addresses are used solely for the purposes stated and are not divulged to any third party.
An email address is retained until the owner requests that it be removed or changed.

Processing of active volunteer work party attendance

Active volunteers are those people who attend working parties in the Filnore Woods woodland.

At the start of such a work party, a list of the names of those volunteers present is made on a paper record sheet. As members of work parties often work in different parts of the woodland, this is done as a safety measure so that the work party leader knows how many people are present and who they are.

The second purpose for this record is to obtain data concerning the number of events held by FFW, the number of volunteers attending these events and the number of hours worked. This data is anonymised and aggregated then reported to South Gloucestershire Council at three-month intervals.
These records are retained until the three-monthly report is made then they are disposed of by shredding.

Processing of accident records

The FFW group has a qualified first aider present at all work parties where the work being done involves a potential hazard. Should an incident occur which requires first aid treatment to be administered then a description of what happened and how it was dealt with is recorded in the form of a paper accident book.

Records from the accident book are retained until 3 years from the date of the record entry then they are disposed of by shredding.

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