
Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Signs of spring

I took a walk on Sunday to see what's happening in Filnore Woods.  At first glance there's not much to show that the place is still alive.

But climbing the sloping path between posts two and three I saw hazel catkins waiting to open on one side of the path

While on the other side of the path, where they get more sun, the catkins were already open.

On the woodland floor near post nine in the Valley Woodland one of the first plants to appear was producing fresh green leaves.  This is the Wild Arum or Cuckoo Pint or Lords and Ladies or Jack in the Pulpit or Parson in the Pulpit or Parson's Pintle.  All these I have heard people use but wikipedia also gives Devils and Angels, Cows and Bulls, Adam and Eve, Bobbins, Naked Boys, Starch-Root and Wake Robin.

Cuckoo pint

And nearby there were lots of primrose plants  - more than ever before.  We should have a good show this year.


Near post 17 in the hedge between the old tree plantation and the cowshed field, bluebells are already poking their green fingers out of the leaf litter.


Every year I feel cheered during the wet, grey and gloomy weather of January, to see signs of spring so early. 

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