
Saturday, 16 November 2013

Busy volunteers

Last Sunday a team of ten Filnore Friends set to work widening paths and making a first cut of hazel coppice.  Here are a couple of hazel stools, as we call the cut bushes.  (plus Mr Darcey the dog rushing helpfully around)
The twigs are trimmed off.  You can see them stacked on the right in the photo below.  The remaining poles of various thicknesses and lengths will be put to work.

  One of the uses is to edge paths and to make steps.  These steps near the wooden footbridge were fixed in place last year, which made the path a bit easier to negotiate.  We shall be doing more where the path is steep. 

The handrail of the bridge had been snapped somehow so it has been temporarily repaired

On the other side of the bridge our workers cut back the overgrowing sides of the path.  The wider the paths are the less wear they get.  Use the sides of the path, if you can, rather than churning down the muddy middle.  This will help to keep them open.
Thanks to Gemma for the photos.

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