
Thursday, 25 September 2014

Path cleared again

The path through the rosebay and bramble in the part of Filnore Woods known as the tree nursery field gets overgrown very quickly.  So our stalwart volunteers set to.
The arisings were stacked, either to be burnt later or to be allowed to rot down. 
The entrance near post 13 now looks much more inviting.

And the path is pleasantly passable as far as post 14.

But we needed a second work day to clear the jungle . .

. . . up past the row of beech trees . . .
. . . as far as post 15, which had, by the way been broken off and removed.

More debris was stacked up.
But this time it was all burnt.  The brambles burn well and once the fire is hot the grass will burn too.   It's not an ideal solution but with the composting site closed, we have to dispose of the arisings somehow.  And bonfires are fun.  In a people-free untamed wilderness fire would be a normal and natural if infrequent process.  So we can think of ourselves as a force of nature.

And to complete the job, post 15 was found and re-installed.


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