
Monday, 26 October 2015

Galloping brambles

Brambles are a good habitat giving shelter, food and homes to many creatures.  Insects enjoy the pollen and nectar, the fruit are delicious and nourishing and several species of small bird, such as whitethroats, blackcaps, wrens and long-tailed tits use bramble patches as nesting sites.  

Whitethroat (now holidaying in Africa)

So we are glad to have them at Filnore Woods BUT . . . 

.  .  .   they do spread very readily.  Obviously one way is by seed.  The birds and animals that eat them don't digest the seeds, which pass right through them and are planted with a neat supply of fertiliser.  

Woodmouse (Photo:  Gary Cox)

The other way is by self-layering.  At this time of year they send out arching stems which eventually reach the ground. 

Once grounded they grow roots and start a new plant. 

This happens thousands of times every year at Filnore so we have to check them; otherwise we would have wall to wall brambles and no grassland at all.

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