
Friday, 10 November 2017


We have sometimes been asked why we bother to restore parts of the hedgerow on the Filnore Woods boundary. 

Laid two years ago 

 A recent article in the Woodland Trust's internet magazine 'Woodwise' concerns trees outside woods and makes a particular reference to hedgerows: 

'Poor management is also a cause for concern, particularly with relation to hedgerows, which are a valuable wildlife resource. For hedgerows to have ‘favourable condition’, gaps must be kept to 10% or less of the total length (or per 30m section); they must be trimmed regularly to prevent conversion to scrub and trees; and non-native species must be controlled. Historical declines in hedgerows mean that proper management, restoration and creation of new hedgerows is vitally important.' 

Laid last year

 Where we coppiced the next section of hedge this year a host of formerly dormant bluebell bulbs threw up flowers.

New shoots were already appearing on the hazel stools in May.

And on the hawthorn stools

and on the Field Maple

And now, in November, re-growth on the coppiced stools, and the new plants we put in, are doing well

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