Agaricus xanthodermus (The Yellow Stainer)
This one can cause serious tummy upsets. People can confuse it with the common edible mushroom (apparently this happens a lot in Australia). But it is easily distinguished; - when bruised or even just handled, the white cap turns bright yellow.
Lepista flaccida (Tawny Funnel)
Although it is funnel-shaped this is one of the Blewits. The cap frequently has a spout at one 'corner' like a jug. They often grow in large fairy rings in woodland.
Lepista nuda (Wood Blewit)
This species is a lovely violet or lilac colour when new but the top fades to buff leaving only the stalk and underside bluish.
Macrolepiota procera (Parasol mushroom)
It starts off as a ball on a stick, opens into a perfect parasol shape, and then flattens out, as in Simon's photograph, except for the bump in the middle. The cap and the stalks carry pale brown scales on a white background.
All photos taken by Simon Harding in Filnore Woods on 25th November