Event Dates

Most of our events are work mornings. 
See the page on 'volunteering' if you want to know more.

We have also had Bat Walks . . . . .

 . . . . Dawn Chorus Walks . . . . .

. . . . . and Owl Prowls

For work mornings we meet at the 'White House' our tool store container visible from the Leisure Centre  car park.

All other events meet at the field gate 
on the far side of Thornbury Leisure Centre car park. unless otherwise stated

AGM  Thursday 26th April
7.30 pm on microsoft teams
If you want to join, email secretary Alan Watts on 


Confirmed dates for work parties

Wednesday 26th April

Sunday 14th May

Wednesday 24th May

Sunday 11th June

Wednesday 28th June


Would you like to run an event at Filnore Woods?

For example we get a lot of dog-walkers. Would any of you like to organise a doggy day of some sort?

Any performance poets to run a poetry reading?

Some dramatic presentation?

A treasure hunt?

An open-air choral event?

 Contact me, Jerry Dicker at filnorefriends@gmail.com

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