
Monday, 30 December 2019

Jay walking - and squawking

Currently I hear jays calling every time I go up to Filnore Woods.  They are pretty secretive birds (except fot the yelling) so you rarely get as good a view as this.  The pinky grey plumage and the black moustache are surpassed by those beautiful blue feathers on the side of the wing.  In times past one of those feathers or even a whole jay's wing was used to decorate lady's hats.  

The most I ever see is a silhouette scudding from tree to tree squawking angrily.

I don't know why they sound so cross.  There are plenty of acorns to go round.  This is their favourite food and because they cache stores of acorns in the ground for winter snacks, jays are responsible for planting scores of oak trees.

Thanks, Jays.

Try this video to hear that raucous call.

You can hear and see two jays scolding a magpie which chatters a few times in the background.

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