
Saturday, 18 January 2020


Bullfinches are shy but they are around in Filnore Woods and Vilner Lane Wood. The cock birds are very recognisable with an orangey red front and black face mask but the hen birds, with a more greyed out colouration, are harder to see.

They tiptoe round bushes using their strong finch beak to eat seeds, especially of ash, elm birch and even dock and nettle.  They used to be shot by orchard owners as they love to devour the flowering buds of fruit trees in spring when seeds are scarce.

As they are so secretive, listen out for the rather quiet and sad whistling call and then try to spot them.  Practice by clicking this link to the British Birdsong website.

Here is a quote from the discoverwildlife website which shows how important it is to retain even the smallest patches of woodland, scrub and thick hedges: 

'Your odds (of seeing them on your bird feeder) are increased if you have a rural or suburban garden, especially one connected to a small area of scrub or woodland by thick hedgerows as they have a preference for thick cover.'

my underlining, to emphasise the importance of connectivity

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