
Saturday, 25 April 2020

St Mark's Day

25th April is St Mark's Day and around this date is the heyday of the St Mark's Fly.  These black, hairy flies drift about in rough grassland and along woodland edges, usually in large numbers, looking for mates.  I met a lot today on a deserted Thornbury Golf Course.

Photo: Paul A. on RSPB website forum

After mating and laying eggs the adults all die after about a fortnight on the wing .  The larvae feed in decaying vegetation, leaf mould and compost heaps through the winter and pop out again as adults pretty well on time the following year.

Photo: Friends of Northaw Great Wood

They are quite harmless although the drifting flight with long legs dangling can put some people off.  But because they feed on nectar they are important pollinators of fruit trees - so applaud them.

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