
Sunday, 2 May 2021


Lady's Smock or Cuckoo Flower is emerging now in meadows and other damp places.  You will soon see it in the skatepark field alongside Filnore Woods.

There is also a lot in the field behind the Mundy Playing field and the field behind that with Allan Burberry's memorial seat in it.

Allan's seat with the inscription.

The flowers are pinky white with four petals, like all flowers in the cabbage family.

Seen from above, they radiate round the stem like loudspeakers on a sports field.

Maybe they are broadcasting to passing orange tip butterflies because, like Jack-by-the-hedge, it is the food plant for their caterpillars.  You may see these chirpy little butterflies flitting from flower to flower.

Photo by unknown photographer - thank you


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Allan, my grandad, would have loved them.


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