
Saturday, 11 December 2021


On Saturday 27th November, Allan Burberry's family and friends gathered at the hilltop Viewpoint at Filnore Woods to plant a tree for Allan.  Here is Allan's daughter, Diana, holding the tree while a series of planters shovel the soil into the planting pit.  (The pit was dug the day before by volunteers Alan and Peter, lurking, hatless, in the background.  There was a lot of rock!)  

We don't usually plant trees for people at Filnore any more, but Allan was special, a founder of the Woods.


The tree is a fern-leaved beech a very attractive addition to Filnore Woods and very distinctive.


Allan's two daughters, Diana and Helen posed by the tree once it was planted and staked for stability,

followed by a family photo for relatives who had travelled from as far away as Watford, Leighton Buzzard and even THE USA !  
There were also representatives from South Glos Council and Thornbury Town Council, Sally Pattison and Guy Rawlinson.

Grand daughter Jane read a few moving words to conclude the tree planting.  

From Allan's tree the view is out across Thornbury with the industrial estate in the foreground and the tower of St Mary's Church beyond, where Allan was a sidesman for years.  To the left is the castle-like mass of Oldbury Nuclear Power Station and beyond the River Severn, the hills of Gloucestershire and the Forest of Dean.

After this, the more robust, warmly dressed and mud-proof of the party hiked or drove to climb up the hill behind the Mundy Playing Field.  Here a bench seat was installed a year ago in honour of Allan, but we haven't had a chance to dedicate it until now.

Guy Rawlinson said a few words of dedication and the three youngest members, Richard, Amy and Ben, each sowed some wildflower seeds, ready for the cattle to push them into the soil.

The view from here is really good, as you can see behind  Amy, who is intently reading the inscription  . . . .


. . . . which reads:
 "Allan Burberry loved Thornbury and the surrounding countryside.  This seat is to honour him for the huge contribution he made to wildlife conservation over many years."


1 comment:

  1. Thankyou Jerry
    Many fond memories shared about my grandad and he loved Thornbury so it was a fitting way to acknowledge his hard work over the years, I miss him greatly xx


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