
Sunday, 6 March 2022


 Just inside the main entrance to Filnore Woods there is a picnic bench (made by local craftsman Richard Jessop), 

and over it a young oak tree (formerly squashed flat by the vehicles of the men who replaced the overhead cables about 15 years ago) and in the tree . . . . 

 . . . . somebody has been kind enough to hang a bird feeder with fatballs in it.  While I was there today there was a lot of bird activity - great tits mostly.

First thing on a spring morning, when it's still dark, the birds postpone foraging for food and sing to their rivals:
 "This is our territory, we have survived the night and we're still here, so peck off the rest of you."

If they didn't sing, the rivals would move in and take over the territory with all the food it provides.  Once the sun comes up they stop singing and get foraging.

This happens mostly in April and May when nestlings have to be fed and food is at a premium.  
The Dawn Chorus.

SO . . . there will be a free Dawn Chorus Walk at Filnore on Monday 2nd May starting at 5.00am prompt.😲
Meet by the field gate on the far side of the Leisure Centre car park.  I'll be leading it and helping you to identify birds by their songs.  Here is a link to the CPRE dawn chorus page, with songs and calls of nine of the birds we shall hear.

Come on - you can get up early for once to hear birdsong at its best.

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