
Sunday, 22 May 2022


I've always wanted to spot one of these iridescent green beetles, scampering along a path or across bare ground.  They are widespread but not really common.  And they are liable to fly further along the path if you disturb them, with a bit of a buzz.  

This one, and several others, were on a gravelly path on the Isles of Scilly and posed nicely for a portrait, before rushing off at speed.

They are quite distinctive: green with two creamy spots and long purple legs with white hairs.  The long legs help them to chase down prey - anything that is earthbound like them.  That means spiders, ants and even caterpillars, who can't run very fast anyway.  Tiger beetles can reach 5 mph which is pretty fast for someone only 10-15mm long.

They are well equipped as predators with ferocious jaws and big eyes, a good sense of smell and sharp ears (somewhere under that green carapace).

They are around from March to October but mostly between April and July.  The larvae are just as fierce.  They over-winter in burrows and devour any creature that falls in.

The fiercest and fastest predators in the UK insect world. Very fierce tigers.


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