
Friday, 3 March 2023


At the beginning of February we were bewildered and disappointed to discover that our picnic bench had been attacked . . .


. . . and an unsuccessful attempt had been made to set it on fire.

Richard Jessop who built it said it was uneconomic to try and repair it so here you see Peter and Jim, having salvaged what useable timber and screws they could find.

From the salvaged timber Peter constructed a replacement seat 
for the vandalised bench up by the pylon.


Let's see how long it lasts


Richard Jessop (pictured below) has set to and built us a replacement with thicker wood and at cost price as he considers we are a worthy cause.  
Richard said ,"I made it during the evenings, as I was a bit annoyed that someone had destroyed the other one, and wanted to replace for you ASAP."

Richard's excellent handiwork - benches, gates, sheds, garden furniture, etc -  is available to view on his website which you can link to here


1 comment:

  1. So sad that some people feel the need to get their kicks from destroying things that others value.


I just love getting comments so go ahead.