
Thursday, 22 June 2023


Wild flowers in our top meadow at Filnore Woods are on the increase.  Not only yellow rattle but also rabbits are keeping the vigorous grasses in check.

Near post 5 there is a group of Goatsbeards.  The seedheads are what stand out, like extra large dandelion clocks.  The flowers only appear in the morning, which gives the plant its other name of Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon.  Then they close up into a pointed sort of bud (you can see a few in the picture on the left below), which opens up the following day into the giant clock.


Here below is the Goatsbeard flower 
and another yellow one already established at Filnore - Agrimony, also known as Aaron's Rod.

For the first year we have a small clump of Birdsfoot Trefoil.  
This plant can expand into quite large patches.  

Sometimes the flowers are tinted red which gives it the name of Eggs and Bacon.  
It is also known as Tom Thumb.

Moon Daisies are spreading . . .  

. . . and among them is a group of Teasels


Sorrel is like a pink dock.  


Some are very pink.

You can check it is a sorrel and not a dock if the base of the leaf forms two horns curling round the stem.

Dock leaves do not curl round the stem.



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