Monday 6 January 2020

Silver Maple

If you walk up the path through the old Northavon Council tree nursery (we call it the Old Plantation on the map in the leaflet) you can't fail to notice this tree, leaning at 45 degrees.
It is a silver maple, so called because the little white hairs on the underside of the leaves twinkle in the sunlight in summer.

The white arrows on the silver maple and on the other tree tell you to turn here.

The plane tree behind it is numbered 16 on our self-guided trail.  
You can tell it's a plane tree by the flaking bark.

There are several silver maples in this section of Filnore Woods as you can see from the very divided leaves lying on the floor.  At this time of year they are brown on the top side and silvery underneath.

Just noticed today some velvet shank fungal toadstools in a fissure at the base of the trunk.

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