Monday 5 August 2019

Lammas growth

Unlike most trees, oaks are able to have a second flush of growth.  As this occurs around August 1st, Lammas, the traditional festival of the wheat harvest, it is known as Lammas growth.

This is handy because there are so many insects that feed on the oak that it gives it a chance to recover.  
Unfortunately you may also notice a white powder on the oak leaves.  This is oak powdery mildew and can have a bad effect on the growth of the tree.

It is a species of fungus which feeds on the sugars the tree has been producing to feed itself.  Not only is the mildew plundering the sugars but it also coats the leaves, thus preventing them from working properly to produce more sugars by photosynthesis.

Hopefully our trees are big enough to fight back.

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