Sunday 25 August 2019

Leaf cutters

The picture below is of some leaves on a Norway Maple in my garden.  Can you notice the large number of semi-circular scallops cut out of the leaf edges?

I'm sorry I wasn't quick enough to photograph the artist.  In a few seconds, before my very eyes, a leaf-cutter bee cut out a neat piece of leaf and flew off with it.  She was obviously finding the thin leaf of the Norway Maple just right to make the sausage shaped tubes to lay her eggs in.  Leaf cutter bees often use pieces cut from rose leaves.

I waited for her to come back for more but in vain.

This video on the link below is American but shows leaf cutting bees at their nests and in the act of cutting, though they are on flower petals rather than leaves.  

Just as I noticed in my garden, when the bee gets to the end of cutting the piece out it can no longer balance and falls over before zooming off.  Very entertaining to watch.  Thank you Pat R, whoever you are.

Leaf cutting bee in action

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