Sunday 9 May 2021


Trees have two main enemies in the UK: wind and decay and sometimes both acting together.
There are different kinds of decay: some just hollow out the trunk and compromise neither the vitality nor the structural integrity of the tree.  All big old trees are a bit hollow but continue growing healthily and are still safe.

But a decay that spreads across the whole cross section of the tree can make it too risky to retain, particularly if it is near a footpath, road or other vulnerable target.

The pussy willow tree near post 11 was one of these.  There were several dead branches threatening to fall and when they were cut, a serious amount of decay was discovered.  It had to go but the stump has been retained as a habitat and will possibly shoot again.

Below you can see wood in three stages of decay, from initial browning of the heartwood to the very brittle condition, looking like a blue cheese.

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