Now is the best time of year for birdsong. They, mostly the males, sing to attract mates, to stake out territory against rivals. The best time to hear them is just before sunrise. Once the sun is up they have to get busy foraging for food for themselves and their nestlings, so no time for singing.
They start more or less in this order. I hope my clues about their voices may be helpful

Carrion Crow Rook
Three or four craas in a row More gossippy cawing
Blackbird Songthrush
Tuneful fluty song Repeats each phrase
about three times
Wood pigeon Collared dove
'My big toe's bleeding' x 3 or 4 United united united
Pheasant Tawny owl
Eek! Eek ! Hoo hoo
Robin Wren
Very tuneful but wistful Lots of chirrups including
a machine gun churr
Chiffchaff Blackcap
Chiff chaff chiff chaff Like a blackbird but more random
A hurried jingling like a rusty wheel
Goldfinch Chaffinch Greenfinch
Tinkling like glass Fall downstairs Lots of trills at different
and get up again speeds and a wheeze

Blue tit Great tit
Ping ping ping prrrr Tee-cha tee-cha
Or grumpy chatter
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